Our choice of the best appliances for your healthy, living food kitchen. Most of our clients start off with a good cold press juicer and super blender. These form the basis of your healthy kitchen. As you progress into your journey of a healthy, healing, living food diet, consider purchasing a dehydrator, water distiller, sprouter, grain mill and crock pot.
Healthy Kitchen
Ezidri Ultra FD1000 Digital Food Dehydrator
Ezidri Ultra Dehydrator is the most flexible of all Ezidri food driers and is the largest model. Supplied with 5 trays, 1 mesh and 1 solid sheet . It can be expanded to carry a total of 30 trays. Now...
OzoMed Air & Water Purifier
Ozone has long been known as one of the most powerful disinfectants. Now more than ever we need a disinfectant that can do more than just sanitize your hands or immediate surfaces. Purify Air &...