We stock only the best stone mills, including the KOMO Mio, Medium, Classic & PK1 Stone mills, the Mockmill as well as the Wondermill junior deluxe
Stone Mills
Wondermill Junior Deluxe Plus
The Wonder Junior Hand Grain Mill has all metal parts except for the stone burrs and handle. It has no plastic parts. And it is beautifully cast with a thick powder-coat finish. Mill wet or dry...
Mockmill 100 – 360W Stone Mill
Freshly-milled flour at any time with the Mockmill 100. Easy to operate, simple to clean, simple adjustment of the settings from very fine to coarse. Throughput of approximately 100g of soft wheat /...
The KoMoMio Stone Mill / Grain Mill. The perfect companion with a powerful 360 watts for beginners AND baking professionals. We use an innovative combination of solid wood and Arboblend ®, an...