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Our choice of the best appliances for your healthy, living food kitchen. Most of our clients start off with a good cold press juicer and super blender. These form the basis of your healthy kitchen. As you progress into your journey of a healthy, healing, living food diet, consider purchasing a dehydrator, water distiller, sprouter, grain mill and crock pot. 

Results 1 - 3 of 3

Healthy Kitchen

Oscar Classic Juicer

The best selling cold press, slow juicer in South Africa. The new Oscar Classic Juicer, the latest in the award winning range of Oscar Juicers. The Oscar is one of the best juicers on the market for...

Price: R 9799
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KOMO Mio Black

The KoMoMio Stone Mill / Grain Mill. The perfect companion with a powerful 360 watts for beginners AND baking professionals. We use an innovative combination of solid wood and Arboblend ®, an...

Price: R 7900
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The KoMoMio Stone Mill / Grain Mill. The perfect companion with a powerful 360 watts for beginners AND baking professionals. We use an innovative combination of solid wood and Arboblend ®, an...

Price: R 7900
Current Stock Level

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We sell high-end health appliances and sustainable lifestyle products including solar batteries, inverters & inverter air conditioners. We have been in operation since 2008. Give us a call and speak to an expert.


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