Our choice of the best appliances for your healthy, living food kitchen. Most of our clients start off with a good cold press juicer and super blender. These form the basis of your healthy kitchen. As you progress into your journey of a healthy, healing, living food diet, consider purchasing a dehydrator, water distiller, sprouter, grain mill and crock pot.
Healthy Kitchen
MAGIMIX 5200XL 1100w Food Processor
The Magimix 5200XL Food Processor is perfect for catering up to 8 people. With a minimal footprint for such a powerful and versatile machine, the 5200XL kneads up to 2 loaves (1kg) and grates up to...
KOMO Mio Black
The KoMoMio Stone Mill / Grain Mill. The perfect companion with a powerful 360 watts for beginners AND baking professionals. We use an innovative combination of solid wood and Arboblend ®, an...
The KoMoMio Stone Mill / Grain Mill. The perfect companion with a powerful 360 watts for beginners AND baking professionals. We use an innovative combination of solid wood and Arboblend ®, an...